Hey guys,
After spending half a day with the new Flash system in Beverly Hills, I thought I would give some driver feedback
(and my suggestions).
About half of the drivers seemed frustrated with the parking experience based on these most common complaints…
Didn’t understand if Rite Aid parking was free
Add signage to side of terminal (see Mock-up 1 below)Couldn't understand what to do once they arrived
(due to too much information on the screen or not being fluent in English)Suggestions:
A) Add label directly to terminal in Spanish and English (see Mock-up 2 below)
B) Update Flash user-interface with only two buttons on screen (see Mock-up 3 below)
Couldn't easily access Get a Ticket button
(due to physical location on terminal and when in small cars that were low to the ground)Couldn't remove ticket easily
If possible, remove black paper guide so drivers can grab a hold of a larger portion of the ticket more firmly
(especially when in an SUV)
Being too far from terminal
Remove yellow poleSome drivers said they got validated inside but screen indicated payment was needed
No on-screen call-to-action after inserting credit card
A) Use P-Touch label next to credit card reader saying: "Remove Quickly" (see Mock-up 4 below)
B) Update Flash user-interface to say: "Insert Card and Remove Quickly" (see Mock-up 5 below)
Help feature is too slow to connect
Mock-up 1
Mock-up 2
Mock-up 3
Mock-up 4
Mock-up 5